Senate Bill 721: Prioritizing the Safety of California Residents

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As the safety and well-being of California residents remain paramount, Senate Bill 721 comes to the forefront as a vital piece of legislation. This bill, designated as Senate Bill 721, holds the potential to transform the landscape of residential safety across the state. Here we explore the ins and outs of Senate Bill 721, its provisions, why it matters to California residents, and how The Sterling Watson Collective can assist you in staying compliant. If you're a homeowner or property manager in California, understanding the ins and outs of this bill is of utmost importance for ensuring the safety of your property and its occupants.

Understanding Senate Bill 721

Senate Bill 721 stands as a resolute effort to prioritize the security of California residents. At its core, this legislation aims to address a significant concern: the safety of elevated exterior elements such as decks and balconies. These structures, crucial components of residential spaces, are susceptible to wear and deterioration over time, potentially leading to tragic accidents. With the passing of Senate Bill 721, a new era of proactive safety measures has emerged, prompting property owners and managers to conduct thorough inspections to identify and rectify potential hazards. By doing so, the bill takes a giant leap toward safeguarding the lives and properties of California residents.

Provisions Set Forth by Senate Bill 721

The provisions laid out in Senate Bill 721 are comprehensive and far-reaching. This new approach to preventative maintenance not only upholds safety standards but also safeguards property values and legal compliance.


The bill requires regular inspections of exterior elevated elements, including decks and balconies. These inspections are conducted to identify potential hazards, deterioration, or structural weaknesses.


If any issues are identified during inspections, SB 721 mandates that property owners address them promptly. This could involve necessary repairs or reconstruction to ensure structural integrity.

Reporting Requirements

Property owners must report inspection findings to local authorities and tenants. This transparent communication ensures everyone is aware of the condition of these outdoor spaces.

The Importance of Senate Bill 721

Senate Bill 721 isn't just another piece of legislation. It's a lifeline for California residents, and here's why it matters:

  • Preventing Tragic Accidents: By identifying and addressing potential hazards in a timely manner, this bill minimizes the risk of life-threatening accidents caused by deteriorating exterior elevated elements.

  • Protecting Property Values: Ensuring the structural integrity of decks and balconies contributes to preserving property values and enhancing the overall appeal of residential spaces.

  • Ensuring Structural Integrity: Regular inspections and maintenance bolster the longevity and reliability of exterior elevated structures, promoting the well-being of residents.

  • Legal Compliance and Avoiding Penalties: Compliance with Senate Bill 721 is not only ethically imperative but also legally mandated, helping property owners avoid penalties and legal complications.

Senate Bill 721 California: Inspection Timeline and Deadline Requirements

For inspections of exterior elevated elements like decks and balconies, buildings with three or more multifamily dwelling units must undergo evaluations every six years, while those with enclosed framing or elevation require inspections every nine years. Importantly, the initial inspection deadline is calculated from January 1, 2019, creating staggered timelines based on your building's characteristics.

Equally critical are repair deadlines, with a 120-day window for addressing any structural or safety issues identified during inspections. These deadlines are not only crucial for compliance but also fundamental in safeguarding resident safety.

Ensure the Safety of Your Decks and Balconies

In California, Senate Bill 721 stands as a testament to the state's commitment to residents' safety. It's a proactive measure aimed at preventing accidents, preserving property values, and ensuring structural integrity.

At The Sterling Watson Collective, we understand the significance of Senate Bill 721. As professional structural engineers, we are well-equipped to assist you in complying with this legislation. Our deck and balcony inspection services are tailored to meet the strict standards set forth by this law, giving you peace of mind knowing your property is safe and compliant.

If you're a California resident seeking compliance with Senate Bill 721, don't hesitate to reach out to us at The Sterling Watson Collective. We're here to ensure your outdoor spaces are not only beautiful but, more importantly, safe. Contact us today, and let's prioritize your safety and the safety of your property. Together, we can make California an even safer place to call home.


  • This bill was passed by the California State Legislature and signed into law by the Governor on September 17, 2018. It became effective on January 1, 2019. This legislation was enacted to address safety concerns related to exterior elevated elements in multifamily residential buildings, emphasizing the importance of regular inspections and maintenance to protect California residents.

  • The duration of an inspection depends on the size and complexity of your outdoor space. Generally, residents do not need to vacate their units during the inspection. Our team will work efficiently to minimize disruptions.

  • Senate Bill 721 primarily focuses on residential properties with three or more dwelling units. Commercial properties may have different compliance requirements under California building codes.

  • The duration of an inspection depends on the size and complexity of your outdoor space. Generally, residents do not need to vacate their units during the inspection. Our team will work efficiently to minimize disruptions.


Senate Bill 326: Ensuring Safe Living Environments in California


Professional Deck Inspection and Repair Santa Monica, CA